Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Grace has started to understand Christmas. When we told her it was Jesus' birthday, that was enough to make it "click" for her. Brian even made baby Jesus a "happy cake" (a.k.a a birthday cake) that we shared with my family on Christmas day.

I had a hard choice right before Christmas but decided to go ahead and have my gallbladder taken out on December 23rd. I had already missed all of the Christmas cookies and goodies and only had a taste of Sophie's birthday cake. When I was presented with the chance to have the surgery then and enjoy Christmas dinner, I felt I had to take that chance. I am soooo glad I did. I have been feeling MUCH better. It was hard to be sore around Christmas but the kids really helped in that area!

Christmas with little kids is like a tornado. They don't understand yet that presents are for different people and wanted to open them all. After watching the girls RIP open their presents, we let them open ours too because it was pure joy to watch them have at it! Grace still discards clothes when she finds them in boxes. There was an exception this year and that is her "Princess" coat that my mom got her. Sophie wants everything open all of the way. She unwrapped bars of soap in one of my gifts before I noticed what she had. oops! Matthew was just happy to be held so long. He is such a cuddle bug right now.

Sophie didn't catch that Christmas was over and kept asking for the "Santa Claus" song at bedtime. Brian gave in for an extra week or so before he started pushing for another song. The girls thought the Christmas clearance shopping at Walmart was the best thing, well until they realized they didn't keep out what they picked out. Hopefully they will still like those decorations next year!

After this Christmas, I am almost ready for next Christmas. Almost. I can't wait to see how excited they are next year. I can tell you right now that I do plan on enjoying Christmas cookies next year and will probably be a baking machine to make up for my lack of baking this year. So watch out!;)

And most importantly ... Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

An Angel, A Baby, and A Two Year Old

A red angel - Grace had her Christmas play at preschool recently. I missed it due to my pesky gallbladder but Brian was able to record it. Of course in typical Grace fashion, she refused to put on her costume. She was to be an angel and wear a white robe. I guess I told her too much before they left how pretty her red dress was that she was wearing. She didn't want to cover up her dress with the costume so Grace was the red angel in the middle of the pack of angels. That's my Grace! (At least, she wasn't the one who shouted out they needed to go potty in the middle of the play! Take what you can get, right?=P)

A baby moment - With three kids, we had to hit the odds, right? Matthew has become our pacifier baby. This is probably good for his sake as he was really hurting his hand by sucking on it. At first, I only found pink and purple pacifiers but I did scrounge up a green one finally! He is happy sucking it but gets upset when he spits it out. I am not liking this spit it out, get upset game much. The girls are thumb suckers and the ONLY good thing about that is they don't lose their thumb. I am hoping this is a short lived habit for him but I guess time will tell.

Two at last - Sophie turned 2 on December 11th. At times, it was hard for us to remember she wasn't even two yet. She did so much so early because of her big sister leading the way for her. Sophie can run really fast. She completely runs like a girl but that is OK because she is a girl!;) She talks in complete sentences. She eats just about thing you give her. She listens really well and tries her best to help when you ask her to do something like throw something away or get a tissue. At the same time, we now have another two year old. No matter how far along she is in everything else, she is two and it is starting to show! Happy Birthday, my Sophie!

Monday, November 30, 2009

ABCs ... oatmeal ... and a teacher all swirled together!

Sophie's New Thing: Sophie has started to say the ABCs. Well she only gets to D so it is "ABCD" ... "ABCD" ... "ABCD". It is very cute but after about the twentieth ABCD, you wonder when she will get a few more letters in the alphabet!

Matthew's New Thing: Matthew got his first taste of Oatmeal on Thanksgiving day. My mom got the privilege of being the first one to feed him a solid. He didn't eat much because it is hard to figure out the swallowing thing for all babies but he did get some of it down. At this point, it is just practice eating off a spoon and practice swallowing something besides milk. He will get it. The way he eyes our food, I know he will catch on fast!

Grace's New Thing: Grace has become a teacher to Sophie and Matthew. She has started sharing some of her "lessons" that she learns at school with Sophie and Matthew. My favorite is the "good morning song". I don't know the song and only hear the parts she sings. They must hold hands when they sing this at school because she makes a point to hold Sophie and Matthew's hands and starts singing "good morning to you, good morning to you" ... "good morning to you, good morning to you". Maybe one day we will get hear the full song but for now, I enjoy the part she is teaching Sophie and Matthew while she holds their hands.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Small updates and missing sleep

Small update but updates none the less.

Grace is loves school and singing songs. She loves the "good morning song" they sing at preschool. She has taught it to Sophie and will sing it to Sophie and Matthew. They hold hands when they sing it at school so she has to hold hands when she sings it here at home. It is beyond cute.

Sophie has a lot of new phrases right now. "There ya are." "Where are ya, ___?" They all have ya or y'all in them. We are raising a good Southern girl here! Her other favorite phrase right now is "I don't want it!!" ha. I wonder how she learned that one so fast!

Matthew is still growing and growing. He loves to smile and laugh. He wants to look around and is trying his best to move around. He can turn around in a circle on his belly. He hasn't rolled over again yet. I think he is too busy trying to crawl. Stay put baby boy!

This past week is the first time all three kids were sick at the same time. Brian and I then got part of what they had too. The kids are thankfully starting to feel better but Brian and I want to go crawl in a cave and sleep for a week. There is no cave here to do that, besides it would be awfully darn cold in there right now so we will just have to make due on missing sleep. You think after three years of training, we would be used it by now but we aren't!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rolling over and Happy Halloween!

Matthew's New Thing ... Matthew rolled over the first time tonight and everyone was watching him. I put him on the floor and the girls came running over thinking he was finally going to play with them. Brian and I were telling the girls to give him space. He was pushing up on his arms to look around and then rolled himself over. He of course screamed when he did this but it was fun that we all got to watch it!

Grace loved handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters tonight. It was so cute to hear her talk about them. Of course, she also loved getting candy yesterday at my office party and tonight at the trick-or-trunk we went to!

Sophie's theory with the candy in her bag tonight was to dump it out in the middle of the living room to see what she got. She then picked through for what she deemed as the good stuff. In case you are wondering, M&Ms are good stuff!;)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Randomness in the form of Hokies, the sky, and smiles

Grace's new phrase ... We are so proud. College football was on tonight and Grace blurts out with "Go Hokies!" Now the Hokies weren't playing but she was very proud of herself for saying it and kept repeating "Go Hokies!" with a big smile!

Sophie's new phrase ... Imagine Sophie saying "High in the sky" with her hands up in the air. This phrase is said at Little Gym with the shakers during the opening circle time. We will say it at home with the bells the girls have. Tonight, Sophie said it for the first time on her own and put her hands up in the sky. Oh and Sophie's version of "Go Hokies!" sounds something like "Ho Hokies!"=P

Matthew's new thing ... Matthew has the best smile. I keep meaning to post about his smile and keep forgetting so here it is! He loves to smile at you when you talk to him. He will make sure you are worth smiling at before he gives you his full smile which is very amusing. I haven't gotten a picture of his great smile yet but I am sure there will be many opportunities for that over the years.

Two posts in one day is a record but hopefully a sign of posts coming more often!

Sleep, more sleep, and singing!

Matthew's New Thing ... SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!! YAY! Happy Dance! Whatever. Last week, Matthew slept through the night for the first time. It was amazing ... well, at least for me! He is loving sleeping in his crib and I am loving the extra sleep I am getting most nights! YAY! Thank you Mr. Matthew for loving sleep as much as your momma does!

Sophie's New Thing ... Thankfully most days Sophie admits that she still needs a nap. Some days she will even ask/request for it to be nap time. Other days, like today, she still went down screaming but was out instantly. We much prefer the requesting a nap days over the screaming days!

Grace's New Thing ... Grace loves signing songs. Brian started signing at bedtime to them but now the requests happen any time of the day. Favorites are "itsy spider", "little lamb", "abc's", "twinkle star", "rock a baby", and "patty cake".

Mommy's Thoughts ... I need to do this more often even if it isn't all three kids at the same time. I often think "this is a little moment" but then I when get here and start typing I can only seem to remember stuff for one or two of the kids. I guess I need to admit it will all balance out and not end up just about one of them which is why I kept this to being one update about each kiddo.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New, New, and New

Matthew's New Things ... yes, things. Matthew is in 9M clothes as of Oct 5th. He is growing for sure. He will now smile on a regular basis and has a smile that melts your heart. He is trying to sit up and move around. He has slept in his crib the past two nights. His first sleep time at night is 7-8 hours.

Sophie's New Things ... Sophie is getting better at warming up to people faster. She enjoyed being held by her Grandpa during their recent visit after she warmed up to him. Sophie started saying her name recently. She will say "Sugar" more than "Sophie" but she has told me her name is Sophie a couple of times. Sophie's favorite thing right now is dancing. Yesterday when I got home from work. She took me straight to the kitchen to dance with her to the music playing out there. Talk about feeling special!

Grace's New Things ... Grace is full of herself! Grace loves to color. She is loving preschool and I think she wishes she could go every day. Our helpful Grace has disappeared for now. She doesn't like to help as much as she used to so I have to beg her to let the dog in if I am busy where she used to just run and get him. She is doing good about sleeping her in own bed instead of with Sophie which means more sleep for both of them! Grace still loves apples and thinks that picking apples at the apple orchard is one of the best activities ever!

Mommy Thoughts: Coming home to three little kids is the best thing ever. It doesn't matter if they are screaming, smiling, or beating each other up. They make me laugh and smile and feel an incredible since of pride in knowing they are my kids. I can only hope and pray that I can continue to let them live up to the great potential they each have within them already!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Growing Silly Love

Matthew's New Thing: Mr Matthew turned two months old yesterday. The little man was maxing out his 3 month onesie I dressed him in yesterday morning so we decided to change out his clothes. At two months old, he is now in 6 month clothes! Most his winter clothes are in the 6 month size. I am thinking I need to get the boy some 9 month winter clothes. aye. (Growing)

Grace's New Thing: Brian often tells Grace "you are silly". She has started saying "noooo Gracie not sigy. Daddy sigy!" She then bursts out into in a huge belly laugh. It is amusing but then when she gets to the belly laugh part, you can't help but laugh with her over her enjoyment of telling her dad that he is silly. (Silly)

Sophie's New Thing: Sophie has started to tell me "I luv you". It melts me heart every time. Often when I scoop her up for a hug I will whisper in her ear "I love you". For the first time this weekend, she told it back it to me. She has repeated the phrase in the past but never said it without being asked. Melts a mamma's heart, I tell ya! (Love)

My Mommy Thought: If all we are able to do with our kids is "Grow Silly Love" then we have done pretty darn good. I think that is a phrase I will have to keep on using to remind myself to enjoy how precious the days of childhood are and how blessed we are to have them times three!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

school, "beep, beep", and sleep ... life is busy

A First for Grace: Tuesday was Grace's first day of preschool! She goes twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for three hours. She took off when they got there the first day and didn't want to wait for Brian to gather her stuff out of the car. Grace now is a proud owner of "kitty shoes". They have Hello Kitty on the side who she has never seen but liked them on the side of her shoes.

Sophie's New Thing: "beep, beep" One night while trying to entertain Sophie while she sat in my lap, I touched her nose and said "beep, beep". Now several weeks later, Sophie will touch her nose or your nose and say "beep, beep". It is adorable. It is funny how that little pointless thing I did with Sophie that night has stuck around for weeks.

Matthew's New Thing: Matthew is pushing up like a champ. His neck control has really improved too. He is a good sleeper about half of the nights. It seems I get one good night and one not so good night. I am hoping the good nights align up with the days I am working starting next week. I hope he realizes that come October that I will be working every day (until he graduates college!) so he should be nice to his momma and sleep good. All the being said, it is hard to believe he is 7.5 weeks old already.

My Mommy Thoughts: Sometimes it still hits me that I am the mommy. How did that happen? Ok, well I know how but when did I get old enough to be the mommy three times over? Grace carries on conversations with us now and will say "yes, mommy" or "ok, mommy" and it still strikes me that I am the mommy for her. Maybe one day it won't be that same overwhelming feeling but at this point, I am hoping not because I really like those moments when I take a second to realize that I am the mommy!

The September Mommy Moment contest is up!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just a regular day ...

at our house is back in a new way. Our version of regular went away when Matthew came along. I feel like we are making it back there though. The kids are growing and we are enjoying them as much as we can because they are only little once!

Grace - Miss Grace is now 3! Her birthday was almost a week ago. She is a true three year old in most ways. Her conversational skills have gone through the roof in the past few weeks. It is great to ask her a question and have her answer and hold a conversation with her. Grace LOVES to talk on the phone. I am thinking it is a good thing there is no cell reception here at the house. I wonder if that will still be the case when we break down and get her the cell phone I am sure she will beg for over and over and over again. If she sees you on the phone, she will jump up and down saying "gra-ma, gra-ma, Gracie talk." We are working on getting her to understand it isn't always grandma on the phone. No success on that yet which means I normally have to hang up the phone and call grandma so Grace can talk to her.

Sophie - Sophie is in her shy attached phase right now. She has been shy but now she will hide behind us if she isn't sure of other people. She is getting better about warming up to people though and even shared her toys with her great-grandma when she as here for Grace's birthday. Sophie does light up a room with her smile and giggles. I love her version of "bunie" (bunny) and "bankit" (blanket). She must have both to be comforted and to go to bed.

Matthew - Matthew is now pushing up. He pushes up with on the floor or on you and will hold his head really steady looking around. It is really neat to see his muscle strength progress so fast. He had his first full day of bottle drinking this past week. He was very good at taking the bottle from Grandma. I am happy about this because Sophie wasn't a bottle drinker. She would drink just enough to get by and then attach herself to me when I got home from work. It was very tiring so I am hoping that Matthew is willing to stock up during the day when I go back to work and not just wait for me. I can hope.

Mommy Thoughts - Matthew will be six weeks old tomorrow. We survived five weeks of having three kids under the age of three. It is hard to remember a lot of those five weeks. It seems like it is getting cleared and we can now get in and out of the van (the only vehicle we all fit in!) like pros so that is telling us we are hitting our grove. (We get annoyed at the people that take forever to get themselves in a car when we can get five people and typically a stroller into the van in less time.)
I still get the kids confused. Most often it is the middle of the night feedings and as I come back from dozing off I think I have Sophie instead Matthew. I am sure that confusion will continue though. My sister is proof that in that she is still B-Amy and G-Amy when my mom calls her at times! We will see what names these kids up with!

So our adventure with three kids continues. I have to say that it feels like our family is all here with us though. For that, I feel blessed and honored.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two little ladies and a dude!

Grace's New Thing and a First: Grace is in love with strawberries. She convinced Brian to buy her some during their grocery store trip this week. The thing is she puts the emphasis on the berry part of the word instead of the straw part. So it sounds like strawBERRIES.
Grace got her first hair cut today. OK, it was a trim. I bribed her with change (she loves "monies") and the hair dresser bribed her with a sucker to get her to sit still in my lap. Only an inch and half off but even at that more curls are there in her pretty golden locks!

Sophie's New Things: Sophie has learned to say "You're Welcome". She doesn't quiet get that you say it after someone tells you "Thank You" though. The other morning I got the girls up and told Sophie "Morning". She replied by saying "You're Welcome". She often says "Thank You. You're Welcome" when you give her something she is wanting. Too many manners can't be a bad thing though, right?! Sophie's other current saying is "Where are you, _____?" You can insert just about anything in the blank but the most often words are blanket (which sounds completely adorable!), daddy, mommy, Gracie, or baby.

Matthew's New Thing and Name: Well I guess growing and being hungry all of the time don't count do they? Last Wednesday, Matthew took his first bottle from Brian. He took another from my mom on last Friday. I left him a bottle today during my hair cut outing but the little guy slept the whole time. I think Brian bribed him or something!
I have been trying not to call Matthew my buddy since our dog is named Buddy and it really confuses the poor dog. So I started call him "dude". Sophie caught this the second time I said it and has the cutest version of "hey dude" in her sweet toddler voice.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Good things come in threes

My sister claims that three is her lucky number but today I am going to take claims of the number three.

We have three under three for another two weeks (ok that isn't a three but it is close!)

Matthew is a proud three weeks old today. Yesterday, August 9th, was my due date with him. He was one day shy of being three weeks early. I tried to imagine still being pregnant yesterday and I just couldn't do it. I was miserable when he did come with the hip pain I was having and the lack of sleep due to that pain, I can't even imagine going through that for another three weeks. I think he knew I needed a break and my body was maxed out. We guess that he is about 10 lbs now. (He was 8 lbs 10 ounces when he was born.) I think he is happy to be here and is proud to be three weeks old and claim July as his birthday month instead of sharing August with Miss Grace.

Matthew's New Thing: Matthew is really working at holding is head up on his own. It takes a lot of effort for him to do this.

Grace loves to hold Matthew. She will sit and hold him until he fusses and then she gives him up. She also decides to inform me when he is hungry. This is by loudly stating "baby hungry" over and over and over again.

Sophie loves to give Matthew kisses. She will kiss his head very sweetly when he fusses. She has also learned from Grace to loudly tell us "baby fuss" when he is screaming, as if we can't already hear him ourselves.

Besides adapting to life with their little brother, the girls are still each their own child.

Grace and Sophie's New Shared Thing: Grace loves to sleep with Sophie. We have given up and just tuck them into Sophie's bed together. Sophie lets Grace sleep with her ... well most of the time. Sophie gets annoyed sometimes and will start fussing because Grace is taking up her space in her bed. She does this as soon as Brian gets into bed so he has to get out of bed to go move Grace to her bed. Some how Sophie's fussing never wakes Grace. I guess they will be sleeping together until Sophie finally tells Grace to go sleep in her own bed!

So life with three under three is hectic, exhausting, and leaves me frazzled but the moments where the girls both sit and hold their brother or give him kisses or the blissful moments where all three of them are asleep make me realize just how blessed we are with the good things that come in threes.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Three under three ...

Well life happens in ways that we don't plan but we believe that there is a Higher plan than the one we have. We have been blessed with a family of three kids under the age of three. Mr. Matthew decided he didn't want any chance of us combining his birthday with his oldest sister's birthday and showed up in July.
Here is our life as defined by our kiddos ...

Grace and Sophie are 15.5 months apart in age.
Grace and Matthew are 35 months apart in age.
Sophie and Matthew are 19 months apart in age.

A few updates ...

Grace's New Thing: "Running" Grace will run around the main level of house saying "running" over and over and over again. She can keep this up for a pretty decent amount of time. The first two minutes or so are cute. After about five minutes of it, you just want her to stop but you realize if she has THAT much energy, you better just let the child run around until she can't any more.
Grace also has almost all of her colors down. Green is still sometimes blue but she is doing really good with her colors.

Sophie's New Thing: Sophie is in love with her brother. She has decided to say "Matthew". She loves to give him kisses. Yesterday, I found her with half the box of wipes out on the coffee table. I couldn't figure out what she was doing with them until I saw a baby doll on the changing pad she had laid out and she was wiping the baby with the wipes like she kept seeing me do with Matthew. Sophie loves to help with anything related to Matthew even it is throwing a yucky diaper in the trash for me! Bless her!

Matthew's FIRST New Thing: How exciting! Matthew is already turning his head side to side. This is pretty huge for him. When he was born, he was a floppy rag doll. He had absolutely no neck control. So for him to be able to hold his head up some and move it side to side when laying on you or during tummy time at a week old is a huge deal!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Matthew is HERE!!!

I think being born is worthy of getting a blog post to yourself!

Matthew arrived this past Monday, July 20th. He decided he was ready to come. I do believe he realized he was plum out of room in my body and the only way to resolve that was to come early. I was 37 weeks, 1 day at the time but they measured his gestational age at 36 weeks in the nursery so he had to a few extra tests. We made it home Wednesday and are very happy to be home.
The girls are getting used to having a little brother. Grace is learning to rub his head when he fusses and will come running if he starts fussing saying "baby fussy!". Grace loves to look at his little feet. Sophie just says "baby" and likes to give him kisses.

Official stats:
Name: Matthew William
Born: July 20, 2009 at 1615
Weight: 8lbs, 10oz
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Head Circumference: 14 1/2 inches

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Talking It Up

At some point, you long for your kids to talk. Then not too long after, you wonder why you ever longed for them to talk to you because what you now hear is "ma-ma" twenty times in a row with a short pause before it starts over again. That being said, it is amazing at how fast words appear from our kids.

Grace's Favorite Phrase: "Feel Better" If Grace has a boo-boo or if you say ouch, it requires kisses to heal. She used to come running saying "hurt" but now she comes running and says "feel better" as her request for kisses. If she provides you with kisses then she will ask "feel better?" and isn't happy until you say yes. So a word to the wise, just say yes to her.
On a separate note, she declared that my doormat out front had ladybugs on it this morning. I asked Brian where she learned that and he had no clue. She is right. It has ladybugs all over it.

Sophie's Talking Points: Sophie talks a lot for her age thanks to her big sister. They do have some language between the two of them though. Sophie will say something and Grace will talk back to her (sometimes I can understand Grace but sometimes I can't). Yesterday, Sophie was going on and on and Grace finally came over to me a said "Mama, Sugar is hungry." ummm, ok. That was unexpected but they did both get a snack that made them very happy. Sophie could have told me that. She has the words to say that but for whatever reason she was happy using her little sister language at that point in time.
Sophie's favorite words right now are "stuck", "hot", "whee", "go-go" (this is part of the potty training she has started), and the all time favorite of every child, "nope".
Last week, Sophie gave me one of her super, precious neck hugs (she wraps her arms around my neck and shoves her face next to mine) and said "I love you". That was her first "I love you". She said it twice that day and not since but I still love that I got it.

Little Guy's Responsiveness: Since little guy isn't here yet he obviously isn't talking but I can tell you he does not appreciate it when his sisters scream and yell and cry. Other kids doing those same things bring no response from him but if his sisters are screaming, he gets very active and I wonder if he is screaming too. Two kids screaming at the same time is a lot right now, I wonder how we will deal with three because rest assured it will happen at some point and I accept that fact right now. I guess we will get through that just like we got through having two screamers!
In writing all of this out, I do hope to take time to enjoy the little guy's baby nosies because I know they won't last forever and if he is anything like his Sophie sister then he will be talking before we know it too!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Color of Sweet Success and Growing Pains

"Colors": (Color) Both of the girls are into coloring with the effort being led by Grace. Grace calls crayons, "colors". We have learned to love washable crayons (Brian tells me I say "crayon" wrong but I can't figure out how else to say that word! ugh!!) We have cleaned crayon off the tv (several times), the wood floor, the coffee table, the dining room table, the glass storm dorm, our bedroom window, and continuously off Sophie's face. I do believe that Sophie's favorite place to color right now is her face. Grace will sometimes ask someone else to color. She assigns you colors to use and time limits for each color. If you don't participate, she gets very upset. Needless to say, Brian and I have been working on our coloring skills lately.

Grace's First: (Sweet) Tonight, Grace got a beater from the mixer. I made my grandma's banana cake which in my opinion requires cream cheese frosting to go with it. Grace got the frosting beater. (Just to set the record straight, Sophie was offered the other one but refused it.) She licked that beater for 30 minutes trying to get every speck of frosting off it! Of course she screamed when I took it away and had to get the icing out of her hair. I think she could live off frosting. I have threatened to give her a tub of frosting for her birthday since she will eat the frosting of any "happy cake" and leave the cake there. Maybe I should ...

Sophie's Strives: (Success) Sophie has been working on potty training for over a week and a half now. All her own doing. Some days she does awesome. Other days she drives Brian and me insane by not telling us she needs to go and the clean up duty that is required after accidents. She is trying though and for 19 months, we aren't expecting anything so this is all on her desire to strive to be big. Of course, our diaper budget will gladly take earlier potty training by her since we will be using more small diapers here before we know it.

Little Guy is Growing: (Growing Pains) That is about the only update I have on him. He is growing. He is still a pain in my hips. I wonder how my hips will ever function correctly again. The pain did come and go but now it seems to be here to stay ... well I am hoping it goes when he is born. We did make it to 36 weeks on Sunday so that means this coming Sunday will 37 weeks and he will be full term. I am getting very anxious to meet this little man and carry him in my arms or sling instead of my spreading hips!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Whee, Counting, and a Pain in My ...

Sophie's New Thing: Sophie loves to say "Whee". Sometimes it is very appropriate, as in when she is spinning in a circle or jumping off something. At other times it is completely random such as when we will be driving along and suddenly hear a "whee" from her in the back seat. She might be our amusement park rider one of these days!

Grace's New Thing: Yesterday, Grace counted to three for me several times. One. Two. Three. She always stops at three. I am thinking that maybe I count to three too much for when I want her to stop and listen to what I am asking her to do. Maybe I need to expand my counting so she will expand hers.

Little Guy's New Thing: Little guy has decided to be a pain in my HIPS. Oh my. This is a brand new level of pregnancy pain. Monday of this week I could hardly walk. I thought I was past it on Tuesday but apparently that was just a reprieve from the pain that I have encountered the rest of this week. If another person tells me I look I am due any day when I have 5 weeks left, I might just lose it. Oh and please don't tell me how big he is going to be based on my belly size either. Trust me, I am more than ready to be done but I know he has a little more cooking to do. So stay put little guy but maybe be a less of pain in your mommy's hips, ok?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sugar, Sleeping Beauty, and a Little Guy

My Sophie Moment: "I'm Sugar". This is Sophie's newest catch phrase. She points to her tummy when she says it. Sometimes when you call her by her name, she will turn around and say "I'm Sugar" and won't do what you are asking her to do until you call her Sugar. The other time she says it is when she does something she is proud of doing by herself such as climbing the stairs to go to bed. We still wonder how long she will be Sugar but it does seem to be sticking for now.

My Grace Moment: "Sleeping Beauty" pronounced "Sleepin' Boooooty" has arrived at our house. While Mermaid is still queen, I do believe Sleeping Beauty is giving Mermaid a run for her money. Grace loves to show off Sleeping Beauty on her panties if she wearing a pair that has Sleeping Beauty on them. She also loves to announce that is what is on the movie. She got choice after her first dentist appointment last week (which she did really good going to with daddy!!) of getting a Sleeping Beauty doll or a Mermaid doll. Mermaid was handed off to Sophie and Grace kept "Sleeping Beauty". Sorry Mermaid!

Little Guy Update: I wonder how long I can call him "little". hmmm. I had a growth check ultrasound at 31 weeks, 4 days. His head measured over 37 weeks. His body measurements were 32 weeks, 4 days. All of that averaged out to a 34 week, 2 day (I think) overall average size estimate. His weight estimate at the time was 4 lbs. 9 ounces. The OB declared he should be 8 lbs. when he is born based on average weight gain between that appointment and expected delivery. I will believe that when I see it. Overall, his measurements were within "normal" so they were pleased and so were we! Now if only I can figure out to squeeze into these maternity clothes another 6 weeks. I am in the biggest maternity clothes I own already. These are normally the ones I break out the last few weeks so I am thinking these won't be fitting come 4 or 5 weeks from now. aye.

Monday, June 8, 2009

so what name do you have?

Grace's Moment: Last week, Grace had a break through and I become "Mommy". Brian became "Daddy". She still says mama and dada but she is tossing in the mommy and daddy more. It is too cute and sure made us feel special.

Sophie's Moment: Sophie is trying her best to say Grace's name. It normally comes out "Gra" or something like that. The other day I was trying to get her come downstairs after her nap and said "Sophie come on". She looked at me and said "I Sugar". She wouldn't come until I called her Sugar. Needless to say, she knows her nickname that Grace gave her.

Little Boy's Name: I have already shared but his name is Matthew William. Grace will say Matthew if you ask her. Sophie still won't say his name but does still like "bubba" when I tell her that Matthew is her little brother. He still has some time cook here but it will be interesting to see what name his older sisters decide to call him when he arrives.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things ...

I was thinking about what the girls like the other day and it made me think about how their favorite things change as they grow ... well some of them change and some of them are hanging in there longer than I expected. So this post is about their favorite things right now.

Grace's Favorite Things: Little Mermaid, burp clothes (as her lovey), pasta, rice, icing ... forget the cupcake because she is happy with just the icing, dresses ... we still can't get her to wear pants, her blue "croc" shoes ... these are the only shoes she will wear these days, Disney movies, her soccer ball, her baby dolls, hiding in pillows on our bed, helping with whatever you are doing (feeding the dog, making something for dinner, etc.), letting Buddy in and out of the house, her winter knit hat which she refused to wear all winter but loves to wear now that it is 80 degrees outside, naps in the car

Sophie's Favorite Things: bunny (her lovey), her car sound on the noise machine, meat ... any meat will do, ok any food will do which includes the icing and the cupcake, her pink "croc" shoes since her shoes have to be like her big sister's, sitting in your lap and maybe even a nap if you are lucky, any balls, climbing up high, jumping on the couch or the bed, hats, books

Shared Favorites for both the girls right now are oo-oo's (Curious George fruit snacks from Sam's Club), "chocolate" which equals chocolate milk, and the "Happy book" (the Birthday Usborne book.)

And for good measure ...
Little Man's Favorite Things: when mommy gives in to yet another meat and cheese sandwich and coke for lunch, when mommy takes a minute to just sit still and enjoy him moving all around

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

matching, another big girl, and a touch of blue

My Grace Moment: Brian decided last week the DVDs didn't need to have the extra sleeves on their cases for the kid movies. He has been letting the girls play with them though and they have been happy to do so even though it drives me NUTS to pick them up daily. This afternoon, Grace decided to put them back on the movies. I watched her match up the sleeve to the dvd boxes. She got them all on the first try minus one that wasn't even the drawer! Made me think about how much I loved the Memory games as a kid and how it will be fun to play those with her before too long. (She has a couple in hiding until her birthday ... shhh.) I have to say if she is like her mom though, you won't want to take her on in those games.;)
I should add the girls are on a Disney movie kick. They hardly want the tv on. They want movies on. We are working on taking turns on who picks out the next movie. Don't worry, Mermaid is still a favorite (at least we have three of them to rotate through now!)

My Sophie Moments: Sophie is now in her twin bed! We took her crib apart on Sunday. She is such a big girl and is very happy to get in and out of her bed by herself. Bed time now takes much longer since the girls both end up getting out of their beds as soon as we shut the bedroom door but they are both sleeping their own twin beds in the same room. Such big girls who are growing up so fast!!
Sophie has used the little potty twice now. She isn't tell using when she has to go but if we put her on there she will sometimes go. Yesterday she got her first potty treat. She was so proud of herself. I need to find the motivation to work on her telling us when she needs to go.

Little Boy Blue: Little boy will have a blue room. He will! We bought blue paint this past weekend. Maybe Brian will get time to paint on Friday ... maybe. I feel so behind on his room since the girls' rooms were done SO early.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy!! and good night!

"Happy" Moments: Happy moments are some of the favorites around this house these days. Any event where you say "Happy " is a happy event here. So that includes birthday, holidays, you name it. Brian recently had a birthday. I got him a few little boy hats for his birthday from the girls. We wrapped them while he was out getting our veggie share. I explained to the girls they were for Daddy's "Happy Birthday" that was tomorrow. As soon as Brian walked in the front door, Grace yelled "Happy da-da!" Needless to say, that was the only present her daddy needed for his birthday as seen by the smile on her face. Since Sophie repeats most of what Grace says, they spent the evening saying "Happy da-da!" We got him happy birthday balloons or as Grace say "happy oons". We had a "Happy cake" that they got to help blow the candles out on. The happiness continued on Mother's days where I was wished "Happy mama!" and my mom was told "Happy Grandma". It probably doesn't help that their favorite book is birthday themed picture book so it has all of the fun birthday stuff in it like balloons, cakes, games, and hats. They were very excited to have so many "happy days" all together here recently. So if you get wished a "happy", know it is a special day for you indeed!

Good night baby: Brian got what was Grace's toddler bed built back into a crib over the weekend. He got the blue crib skirt, yellow sheet, bright bumper pad, spit up pad all set up. I set the little collection of blue blankets in there. The girls were very interested in all of this. (Grace can climb the edge to look into the crib.) We told them the crib was for the new baby to sleep in. Well all they heard was baby sleep in crib. Grace ran to their bedroom and got baby dolls. She came in and gave one to Sophie and then she put the one she had in the crib. The one Sophie had went in next. Some mornings, Grace runs in the nursery and will put the babies to bed in the crib and shut the door. We get told to not open the door because the baby is ni-ni. At night, she will go get the babies out of the crib so they can go back to bed with the girls. It is all very cute. We still have to paint ... well Brian has to paint. But little boy now has a dresser full of blue clothes and a crib that definitely says "boy!" so that is a pretty good start.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

and hello to you too!

Sophie and pregnant mommy: Sophie was thrilled when I came home from work on Friday. She was standing on the bed as I stood next to her. She lift up my shirt to see my ever growing belly. She said "hi" and then gave my belly a love slap. I tried to explain to her that we don't hit our brothers but she just laughed and ran away.

Grace and pregnant mommy: Grace came up to my while I was sitting on the couch yesterday. I thought she wanted a hug but she didn't. She just crawled up next to me, leaned over and kissed my belly, and said "hi" then ran away.

What a difference 15.5 months and two totally different personalities makes, huh?

Little boy update: Little bit has been moving up a storm the past few days. Brian got to feel a great dance/karate/kickboxing display the other morning. The OB got a few kicks when he measured a heart rate of 155 on Thursday and seemed quite surprised the little guy was that active. It has been decided that this little man will have a blue room with green dots. Now we must buy paint so Brian can start painting.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

hi dada, a BIG girl and a little sprinkle of blue!

Sophie's New Thing: Brian told me about this last week but I have been able to see Sophie do this several times over the past two days and it is very amusing. Sophie suddenly walks up to Brian and says "hi dada". She will say "hi dada" one, two, five, a dozen, two dozen times ... she just finds it funny. Brian tries to change up his responses by saying "hi Sophie", "hi baby", "hi sweetie", "hi baby doll", etc, etc. She won't do this anyone but daddy so it must be a special name for her to say it so much! ;)

Grace's Big Girl Move: Grace has moved into "the girl's room". Last night, she slept in her twin bed in what was formerly known as "Sophie's room" for the first time. She wasn't happy at first and it took them an hour to get to sleep but she got back in the bed and covered herself up (yes, I had to peek to make sure she was in bed when all had been quiet for awhile.) Today, she napped there and tonight she went to bed in her big girl bed without any problems. She is getting so big on us!!!

Baby Boy Purchase: Baby boy got his first blue blankets yesterday. I resisted the urge to buy some last week while at Target by myself. When we all went out last night, we couldn't do the same and came home with a package of four blue blankets. Brian opened the packaged and proceeded to cover himself in a blue blanket to "bask in the blue-ness". He then put one on my belly to "try it on". I think it is safe to say, he is little excited about the bundle of blue coming our way!;)

Friday, April 17, 2009

zippers, shoving, and a big belly

Grace's New Thing: Grace loves to zip up the zipper on Sophie's pajamas at bedtime. I have to help make sure she isn't zipping up Sophie too. Grace loves zippers on anything ... coats, shirts, you name it. If you have a zipper on, she will insist you zip it up. It is a good thing she is out zipper pajamas already!

Sophie's New Thing: And it begins ... for the first time tonight I caught Sophie shoving Grace out of the way to get my attention. Grace got mad at her at first and then started laughing. So the shoving became a game between them. That all of course came to an instant stop when Grace shoved too hard and Sophie fell over. I don't know if I am ready for this ...

Baby Belly: Brian announced to me this morning that I had a much rounder belly this pregnancy. Thanks. I feel huge and way bigger than I did at this point with either Grace or Sophie. Makes me worried about what my size will be come July. Baby boy is very active. That is probably a good thing since he might end up with two big sister to beat him up.=/

Saturday, April 11, 2009

roaming plastic stools and a nap worth remembering

Sophie's New Thing: Sophie will follow me (and Brian) around the house with one of the plastic stools that generally lives in the bathroom. Any time I stop, she will set the stool down and try to look at whatever I am doing. At first it is very cute to have her follow you around overly interested in every little thing you are doing ... that is until she puts the stool down on your foot which hurts way more than it seems like it should or she falls off the stool and you have to stop what you are doing to calm her tears. She is definitely my climbing monkey and wants to be into everything!

My Grace Moment: Today, I got Sophie down for a late nap. I decided to take the "half peace and quiet" time and lay on the couch for a minute (that seems to be all I ever get so that is all I ever expect!) Grace saw me laying there. She came running over and climbed under the blanket with me. She does this often if she sees me on the couch but is gone within a few minutes and needs something so I must get up too. Well not today. I woke up over an hour later with her crashed out there next to me in my arms on the couch. I can't remember the last time she took a nap with me so it was a nice little moment to stop and remember. Plus her pregnant mommy apparently really needed a nap today so I am very thankful for that part too!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

spinning ... rain ... oh, BOY!!

My Sophie Moment: Sophie loves spinning. She will spin in circles until she falls over. She will fall down laughing and as soon as she can stand up and do it again. A few nights ago she decided to create her own sit and spin and sat on the hardwood floor spinning herself in a circle while sitting on her butt and pushing with her leg. This was great fun and we just couldn't help and laughed right along with her! Grace saw this and of course had to figure how to spin in a circle herself too.

My Grace Moment: Grace decided that she won't melt in the rain!! The other day, she had to go outside in the drizzling rain with her daddy. She walked down to the garden and then stood out on the front sidewalk looking at the spring flowers popping up. She came in with wet hair to prove how long she had been out in the rain! This is my child who would scream and scream if she got wet due to rain not too long ago! Of course, mommy wasn't willing to go hang out in the rain so Grace could realize she wouldn't melt. It is a good thing her daddy didn't care about getting a little wet. Oh and Sophie had to join in the stand in the rain fun too. I have to say, I don't get why that would be fun but what do I know?

New Baby News: Our big ultrasound was last Friday and baby is a BOY!! A BOY!! We have had a boy name picked out since the early days of my first pregnancy (we picked one boy name and one girl name that pregnancy). So this little bundle of blue will be our Matthew William. Grace can say Matthew or Matt. Sophie so far is calling is calling him "bubba" after I explained he was her baby brother.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I like it ... climbing

Grace's New Thing: "I like it" or "a me" are very common phrases for Grace right now. Both of them mean that she wants whatever it is that she sees. It is all hers. I put the balls away after playing outside last night and she screamed "I like it" for five minutes because she wanted go back outside to play with the balls.

Sophie's New Thing: Sophie is trying to climb the stairs standing up because that is what she sees Grace do. She has been able to fly up the stairs on her hands and knees for some time but now she wants to stand. Of course, she is just like Grace and is attracted to the one and only spindle that isn't glued into place and spins around. They both find spinning this spindle very amusing ... we don't. Sophie ability to climb amazes me. She climbed up the front of the highchair and stood in the seat a few weeks ago. She is definitely a monkey and we are having to watch her!

New Baby Update: The big ultrasound appointment for this baby is Friday. We are hoping to find out the gender but more importantly we are hoping for a healthy baby that measures on track for growth! Baby is kicking more even in this week. Daddy has had a chance to feel baby kick once so far. Once again, daddy's hands seem to be the best way to calm an active baby!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring is Here!

Proof that Spring is here ...

Sophie's Spring Moment: Sophie got her first scrapped up knee on Sunday when the girls were running around out front. This of course resulted in a lot of tears.

Grace's Spring Moment: Grace decided to welcome Spring with tears too. On Monday night, we went out to the playground after dinner to play. When it was time to come inside to get ready for bed she decided to scream and cry the whole way back up to the house.

I never really thought that Spring Showers came in the form of tears but they appear to at our house. Hopefully, the Spring Showers can turn into much needed rain instead of tears and the screams that go along with them!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jump ... Up!

My Sophie Moment: Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons are crazy here at our house. I get home from work a little early so Brian can immediately leave to go to work. This past Thursday in the few minutes when Brian and I passed the girls off, Sophie had a first. She was running around after I got home saying "jump". She was trying her best to jump but we don't expect her to jump seeing she isn't even 15 months old yet. All of a sudden her little feet came off the ground at the same time and she landed back on them! She was so proud of herself. Brian and I both managed to catch her doing this and stood there in shock with huge smiles on our faces. She managed to jump two more times that afternoon but landed on her butt both of the times. She hasn't been into the jumping idea since Thursday but it was great to see her accomplish something she has been trying so hard to do!

My Grace Moment: Grace's new favorite phrase is "Up we go!" She loves to say this as we go upstairs or get in car seats. She has also learned "Up and Down." When she says "up" she puts her arms up in the air and when she says "down" she puts her arms down. I think this her new dance move.

New Baby Update: I haven't provided one in awhile. New baby is starting to move. Ok he or she has been moving but I am now starting to feel movements. I was also blessed with my first moment of morning sickness (after dinner of course!) last night. At 16 weeks 5 days, I figured I made it through the sickness stage and was counting my lucky stars. Think again. Cravings are still meat and cheese sandwiches. I have decided that this baby better love meat and cheese sandwiches because I think that will be their packed lunch for all of their school years as payback to how many sandwiches I have been eating. Oh what I would give to have that milkshake craving back. That was a craving worth having! Oh well. Meat and cheese sandwiches it is.

We bought big girl furniture last night. I found a great deal online that we couldn't pass up! We now have two twin beds (with mattresses), a smaller dresser, and a night stand that will go into the room that currently Sophie's room but will become a shared bedroom for Grace and Sophie. Seems to be getting more real that our family IS growing again now that we have more furniture to arrange and evidence of a growing belly for the world to see.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I love you and kisses

Sophie's new thing: Sophie will offer up kisses if you ask her for them. You hear her little lips smack but she doesn't actually kiss most of the time. I have found her kissing her "bebe" and Grace too.

Grace's new thing: Brian tucked Grace in to bed last night. He told her he loved her and asked her if she could say I love you, daddy. To his surprise, Grace told her daddy "I love you, dada" in response. He must be a special to get his little girl's first ever "I love you!"

Our house continues to be as crazy as ever. Some random updates about what the girls are up to these days ...
Grace loves to grab my hand and drag me out to the kitchen to "d" ("d"=dance to the Leap Frog Fridge DJ). Grace loves reading her Elmo seek and find book and picking up objects off the pages. Grace still loves to "cook" stuff in her play kitchen so any snacks she is given becomes fair game to be added to the play pots and pans. The play pots and pans seem to end up in our kitchen sink to be cleaned out on a regular basis these days! I spotted one of Grace's two year old molars finally coming in the other day when I brushed her teeth!
Sophie desperately wants to jump at only 14 months of age. (Jumping is a skill generally learned at age 2 or so.) Sophie loves to read the animals book and has added "pig", "turtle", and "sheep" to her growing number of words. Any animal name that Sophie doesn't want to say becomes "sheep". I guess she likes sheep? Sophie has become attached to a blanket her Grandma Williams made for her baby cradle. She looks like a doll carrying it around. Sophie now has six teeth and will still eat anything you give her.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

food and bellies

Life is about food and bellies, right? Well it is here at our house! Our schedules are driven by when the girls want to eat. We have pretty set meal times as a result.

Grace's New Thing:
Meals or food used to be "yum-yum" at our house. Grace has changed them to be "mm-mm". If we get to "mm-mm", we know food better be showing up on the table soon or we end up with screaming, hungry girls.

Sophie's New Thing:
Sophie has discovered her first body part. If you ask her where her belly is, she will proudly lift up her shirt to show off her belly. When Grace sees Sophie showing off her belly, she instantly has to show hers. There are a lot of belly displaying moments around here all of a sudden.

Speaking of food and bellies, it is lunch time. I better go get some food together to fill up these little bellies.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hugs and Sleepy Dogs

My Sophie Moment:
Sophie has learned to give hugs, thanks to Brian. If you hold our your arms she will snuggle into you for a nice big hug. It is one of the best things to get a Sophie hug.

My Grace Moment:
Grace has a pair of pajamas that have a little white Scottie dog on it. One more when I went to get her out of bed, she told me couldn't get up because "dog sleep". The other night when she got her same pajamas on, she told me it was "sleepy dog" and gave him a nice pet on the head. Ni-ni doggy ... (Ni-ni = night-night)

In other news, we have started to share our expecting news with more folks (my co-workers, friends, etc). I guess it is a good thing we are sharing because my belly is starting to share the news for us. The only reason we didn't have to share earlier on that note is that it is winter and sweaters are wonderful at hiding behind! I will have to try my best to remember this morning's tempature of 8 degrees when it is the middle of summer and too hot to breathe!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A beginning ...

I have wanted to start a blog for awhile but it is one of those things that keeps getting pushed aside. It is no wonder with a family, a full time job, a house, and ... well the list of excuses could go on and on. I realized the other night though I was missing out on capturing the small little moments that make up life (that is where this blog's title came from!) and was disappointed in myself for that. So here I am with the goal to capture and remember the small things in the life of my girls and little one we are expecting in August.

My Grace moment:
Grace is 2 years and 4.5 months. Right now, she loves to see the moon in the sky. She shouts "moon!" every time she sees it. She stood at the backdoor the other night saying "moon" over and over and over again as she pointed at it. She even convinced Sophie to come look at the moon. I asked her if she could say hi to the moon and in her sweet toddler voice she said, "hi moon!" As she sat with Brian in his chair right before bedtime, she saw the moon out the window and once again, but unprompted this time, said "hi moon!" It is amazing something so simple can bring a mother such joy but it is possible!
Flashback moment:
I showed Grace the moon for the first time this past fall when I was planting the pansies out front. It got dark but I wasn't done and was determined to finish. Grace was determined to stay outside with me. She stacked all of the empty pansy containers for me. I showed her the moon and her version of moon at the time was "oooo". So for months, "oooo" was moon to her as she would point at it with excitement that it was back in the sky for her to see.

My Sophie moment:
Sophie is 13 months old today. If you ask her to clap or if she hears clapping, she will now start clapping. This has made "The Clap-Clap Show" (i.e., Wheel of Fortune) very fun at our house again. She clapped through the whole show the other night. I smiled the whole show as she was in my lap clapping away. As of yesterday, she learned to say "apple". It still amazes me that she will carry around a whole apple eating at it with her four little teeth, well she is cutting two more as I type, and say "apple" at only 13 months old.

As times goes on, I hope to add little moments from day to day life here at our house. As I remember moments, I hope to capture those since my memory only seems to fade instead of getting stronger!