Friday, July 24, 2009

Matthew is HERE!!!

I think being born is worthy of getting a blog post to yourself!

Matthew arrived this past Monday, July 20th. He decided he was ready to come. I do believe he realized he was plum out of room in my body and the only way to resolve that was to come early. I was 37 weeks, 1 day at the time but they measured his gestational age at 36 weeks in the nursery so he had to a few extra tests. We made it home Wednesday and are very happy to be home.
The girls are getting used to having a little brother. Grace is learning to rub his head when he fusses and will come running if he starts fussing saying "baby fussy!". Grace loves to look at his little feet. Sophie just says "baby" and likes to give him kisses.

Official stats:
Name: Matthew William
Born: July 20, 2009 at 1615
Weight: 8lbs, 10oz
Length: 21 1/2 inches
Head Circumference: 14 1/2 inches


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations on your new baby boy. My baby boy is due in December. Hope to look back here at little Matthew's progress and see what I have to look forward to.
