Monday, March 29, 2010

Another Tooth and some Easter Egg Hunting!

Matthew has a second tooth! It came about a week ago but disappeared. It is now there for what seems like good! I still can't get a good picture of thsee teeth though. So the best way to know they are there is to put your finger in his mouth and he will bite your finger. You will then KNOW they are there for sure! haha

We took the kids to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday.
Sophie is a machine ... an egg hunting machine. Sophie grabbed one egg after another. Brain described her as a machine. Her bucket was almost full. She was a blast to watch!

Grace is a looker ... an egg hunt looker. Grace stopped to examine each egg before picking up the eggs up and would wander past several others before find another to examine and pick up. Grace did end up with a decent collection but it took a lot of encouragement to pick up the eggs.

I think they are due for some yard Easter egg hunting here soon ... if the yard every dries up from this Spring rain that keeps showing up every few days!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Growing = Updates

Grace's preschool update - I had a parent/teacher conference with Grace's preschool teacher recently. Grace has finally started talking a lot at school. Thank goodness. The child talks up a storm so it is good to see she is finally comfortable with talking at school. (This is part of the reason is in preschool so it good to see it paying off.) I was also told that Grace loves individual quiet play. We knew that. She loves to quietly play at her doll houses. Sometimes she asks Sophie or daddy to play with her but she is most often happy there by herself. In her self portriat, she now has six identifiable body parts (arms - 1, legs - 1, face -1, eyes - 1, mouth -1, hair - 1). This up one from her fall picture. They like kindergardners to have seven so she is really on track there!

Sophie is a big girl. Sophie has taken interest in going potty again. Grandma has been a big encouragement on the days she is here. Sophie seems really excited about going potty which is great. She is still working on it but is on her way to being potty trained. This is good so she can go to preschool in the fall too!

Matthew is growing up on me. Matthew is making more noises. I got a mama finally! I was even around to hear it!! He has also started saying "bu-bu". Maybe I call him Bubba too much? Maybe. He is also say "ga" when he sees Grandma. He knows how to get what he wants! Matthew LOVES to stand which is great except he expects to do this a lot which means you have to hold or be ready to catch him a lot. He still has one super sharp bottom tooth. The only picture of said tooth is on Uncle Greg's camera. It sure is hard to get a picture of it!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

First Memories and Questions

Matthew's firsts ... Matthew decided to pile a whole bunch of firsts into 24 hours. He cut his first tooth (it is a bottom tooth), he got up on all fours and stayed there for a decent amount of time, plus he started staying da-da. Now all three kids have said da-da as their first word. Too bad they don't yell that in the middle of the night! =P

Grace's memory ... Grace's ability to remember stuff is pretty darn amazing. She has started taking dance classes. She tells me which way to turn to get to dance class. She also knows the way to preschool. We have caught her saying phrases that we say too. She say them in context and just rattles them off. Matching is becoming one of her favorite games. Before too long, I think there will be some mommy-Grace Memory game smack down happening. I still love that game and never had anyone who wanted to play with me because I was too good at it. Maybe I will meet my match in Miss Grace!

Sophie's questions .. what ya doing? what's that? Sophie is a question asker. She will be an expert at the twenty questions game for the sole reason that by the time you get to twenty questions you be completely frazzled and completely insane. She doesn't let up. Her curosity is amazing and highly encouraged I will add but at times, it would be nice if she was just happy with the answer we gave her!