Thursday, November 12, 2009

Small updates and missing sleep

Small update but updates none the less.

Grace is loves school and singing songs. She loves the "good morning song" they sing at preschool. She has taught it to Sophie and will sing it to Sophie and Matthew. They hold hands when they sing it at school so she has to hold hands when she sings it here at home. It is beyond cute.

Sophie has a lot of new phrases right now. "There ya are." "Where are ya, ___?" They all have ya or y'all in them. We are raising a good Southern girl here! Her other favorite phrase right now is "I don't want it!!" ha. I wonder how she learned that one so fast!

Matthew is still growing and growing. He loves to smile and laugh. He wants to look around and is trying his best to move around. He can turn around in a circle on his belly. He hasn't rolled over again yet. I think he is too busy trying to crawl. Stay put baby boy!

This past week is the first time all three kids were sick at the same time. Brian and I then got part of what they had too. The kids are thankfully starting to feel better but Brian and I want to go crawl in a cave and sleep for a week. There is no cave here to do that, besides it would be awfully darn cold in there right now so we will just have to make due on missing sleep. You think after three years of training, we would be used it by now but we aren't!


  1. My little one (10 months) is sick for the first time and we didn't get much sleep last night. He hasn't been sleeping that great the past couple of weeks, but yesterday was a new low. Hoping for a speedy recovery. I am glad yours are better. Hang in there.

  2. I have 5 boys and usually they get sick one after the other but once they were all sick at the same time and then the next day dh and I got it and it was just miserable!
