Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just a regular day ...

at our house is back in a new way. Our version of regular went away when Matthew came along. I feel like we are making it back there though. The kids are growing and we are enjoying them as much as we can because they are only little once!

Grace - Miss Grace is now 3! Her birthday was almost a week ago. She is a true three year old in most ways. Her conversational skills have gone through the roof in the past few weeks. It is great to ask her a question and have her answer and hold a conversation with her. Grace LOVES to talk on the phone. I am thinking it is a good thing there is no cell reception here at the house. I wonder if that will still be the case when we break down and get her the cell phone I am sure she will beg for over and over and over again. If she sees you on the phone, she will jump up and down saying "gra-ma, gra-ma, Gracie talk." We are working on getting her to understand it isn't always grandma on the phone. No success on that yet which means I normally have to hang up the phone and call grandma so Grace can talk to her.

Sophie - Sophie is in her shy attached phase right now. She has been shy but now she will hide behind us if she isn't sure of other people. She is getting better about warming up to people though and even shared her toys with her great-grandma when she as here for Grace's birthday. Sophie does light up a room with her smile and giggles. I love her version of "bunie" (bunny) and "bankit" (blanket). She must have both to be comforted and to go to bed.

Matthew - Matthew is now pushing up. He pushes up with on the floor or on you and will hold his head really steady looking around. It is really neat to see his muscle strength progress so fast. He had his first full day of bottle drinking this past week. He was very good at taking the bottle from Grandma. I am happy about this because Sophie wasn't a bottle drinker. She would drink just enough to get by and then attach herself to me when I got home from work. It was very tiring so I am hoping that Matthew is willing to stock up during the day when I go back to work and not just wait for me. I can hope.

Mommy Thoughts - Matthew will be six weeks old tomorrow. We survived five weeks of having three kids under the age of three. It is hard to remember a lot of those five weeks. It seems like it is getting cleared and we can now get in and out of the van (the only vehicle we all fit in!) like pros so that is telling us we are hitting our grove. (We get annoyed at the people that take forever to get themselves in a car when we can get five people and typically a stroller into the van in less time.)
I still get the kids confused. Most often it is the middle of the night feedings and as I come back from dozing off I think I have Sophie instead Matthew. I am sure that confusion will continue though. My sister is proof that in that she is still B-Amy and G-Amy when my mom calls her at times! We will see what names these kids up with!

So our adventure with three kids continues. I have to say that it feels like our family is all here with us though. For that, I feel blessed and honored.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two little ladies and a dude!

Grace's New Thing and a First: Grace is in love with strawberries. She convinced Brian to buy her some during their grocery store trip this week. The thing is she puts the emphasis on the berry part of the word instead of the straw part. So it sounds like strawBERRIES.
Grace got her first hair cut today. OK, it was a trim. I bribed her with change (she loves "monies") and the hair dresser bribed her with a sucker to get her to sit still in my lap. Only an inch and half off but even at that more curls are there in her pretty golden locks!

Sophie's New Things: Sophie has learned to say "You're Welcome". She doesn't quiet get that you say it after someone tells you "Thank You" though. The other morning I got the girls up and told Sophie "Morning". She replied by saying "You're Welcome". She often says "Thank You. You're Welcome" when you give her something she is wanting. Too many manners can't be a bad thing though, right?! Sophie's other current saying is "Where are you, _____?" You can insert just about anything in the blank but the most often words are blanket (which sounds completely adorable!), daddy, mommy, Gracie, or baby.

Matthew's New Thing and Name: Well I guess growing and being hungry all of the time don't count do they? Last Wednesday, Matthew took his first bottle from Brian. He took another from my mom on last Friday. I left him a bottle today during my hair cut outing but the little guy slept the whole time. I think Brian bribed him or something!
I have been trying not to call Matthew my buddy since our dog is named Buddy and it really confuses the poor dog. So I started call him "dude". Sophie caught this the second time I said it and has the cutest version of "hey dude" in her sweet toddler voice.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Good things come in threes

My sister claims that three is her lucky number but today I am going to take claims of the number three.

We have three under three for another two weeks (ok that isn't a three but it is close!)

Matthew is a proud three weeks old today. Yesterday, August 9th, was my due date with him. He was one day shy of being three weeks early. I tried to imagine still being pregnant yesterday and I just couldn't do it. I was miserable when he did come with the hip pain I was having and the lack of sleep due to that pain, I can't even imagine going through that for another three weeks. I think he knew I needed a break and my body was maxed out. We guess that he is about 10 lbs now. (He was 8 lbs 10 ounces when he was born.) I think he is happy to be here and is proud to be three weeks old and claim July as his birthday month instead of sharing August with Miss Grace.

Matthew's New Thing: Matthew is really working at holding is head up on his own. It takes a lot of effort for him to do this.

Grace loves to hold Matthew. She will sit and hold him until he fusses and then she gives him up. She also decides to inform me when he is hungry. This is by loudly stating "baby hungry" over and over and over again.

Sophie loves to give Matthew kisses. She will kiss his head very sweetly when he fusses. She has also learned from Grace to loudly tell us "baby fuss" when he is screaming, as if we can't already hear him ourselves.

Besides adapting to life with their little brother, the girls are still each their own child.

Grace and Sophie's New Shared Thing: Grace loves to sleep with Sophie. We have given up and just tuck them into Sophie's bed together. Sophie lets Grace sleep with her ... well most of the time. Sophie gets annoyed sometimes and will start fussing because Grace is taking up her space in her bed. She does this as soon as Brian gets into bed so he has to get out of bed to go move Grace to her bed. Some how Sophie's fussing never wakes Grace. I guess they will be sleeping together until Sophie finally tells Grace to go sleep in her own bed!

So life with three under three is hectic, exhausting, and leaves me frazzled but the moments where the girls both sit and hold their brother or give him kisses or the blissful moments where all three of them are asleep make me realize just how blessed we are with the good things that come in threes.