Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Hungry, obsessed mini-me or divide by three?

Hungry, Hungry Matthew: This week Matthew started expand his eating the past two weeks. Yogurt, banana, and sweet potatoes have been tried so far! This is on top of his oatmeal eating. Matthew is a hungry dude! I have a bad feeling that he is going to eat us out of house and home. Matthew is also trying to use sippy cups. The straw ones are all he has tried so far but he sure can get some liquid out of them. As a warning, if you are holding any food or a cup, he will try to steal it from you.

Sophie is a mini-me. A mini-me of Grace. Anything that Grace can do, Sophie can do better. Wait. Sophie catches onto EVERYTHING that Grace does. I show Grace how to hit play on the DVD player. The next thing I know, Sophie is hitting play. Sophie is singing most of her ABCs. Sophie talks in complete sentences. Sophie is working on potty training (and doing amazingly good!) Most of the time, Grace's mini-me doesn't bother her so I will enjoy this while it lasts. I know it will end since I too have a sister!=P

Grace's obsession. Grace is obsessed with Dora right now. Specifically, Dora TV shows and movies. She can seriously sit there with Dora on the TV all day. If you try to tell her Dora isn't on, she goes for a movie. When you want to get something done, this obsession is nice. At any other time, this obsession is enough to drive to insane. I am thinking The Little Mermaid obsession was better since at least it was a decent length movie. If you hear Grace "No swiping Buddy. No swiping." This is thanks to Dora and her constant "No swiping Swiper. No Swiping." Cute the first time, not the one millionth.

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